NAME: Kurt Wagner X-MEN NAME: Nightcrawler  WITH: the X-men AGE: 14-15... BORN: In the Bavarian Alps FROM: Germany CLASSES: public speaking, european
history, french, geometry, gym, biology POWERS: teleporting, spider monkey like coordination, prehensile tail, limited
invisibility. FAVORITE FOODS: pizza, burgers, tacos, popcorn, and kind of fast food and fries. HOBBIES/PASTIMES: movies
(DVDs), drama club, JV soccer, JV gymnastics, skateboarding, video games, hanging upside down.
Although Kurt has a
demonic appearance, he is actually the sweetest, most vulnerable member of the group. His swashbuckling personality hides
the fact that he needs a holographic inducer to blend in with the rest of the kids at school.He is kind, caring, and sometimes
a bit egotistical, but that's most likely because of how much he loves being able to look normal. He is terribly worried about
disappointing people and not living up to his full potential. His teleportation powers come very handy to the rest of the
team sometimes. He seems to have a huge crush on Kitty (Shadowcat), and is constantly flirting with her, though she never
really returns his feelings.
I think that Kurt is a great character and everything,
but the only thing I don't like is the accent that Brad Swaile does on the show. It took me weeks to figure out what kind
of accent it was. I thought it could be kinda like a Asian accent or Venzuelain (sp?). But finally I found out it was a German
accent. I think Brad Swaile is a good voice actor and everything, but his German accent is (sorry to say it) horrible. Maybe
it's because he has a Canadian accent, (not blaming it, I think his canadian accent is adorable) I don't know... but I still
wouldn't want them to replace him! So DON'T!! His German accent is cute, and funny. Funny meaning I giggle everytime Kurt
talks... especially when he says something in German or slang. But to me it just doesn't sound authentic, (not like I care
if it is authentic)I actually just wanna hear Brad's voice...
Kurt Nightcrawler Pics!
Here are some of my Kurt/Nightcrawler pics.
I'm not sorry if I stole these from your site. They don't belong to you, they belong to the creators of X-Men Evolution and
WB who aires X-Men Evolution. Even if some of you put the screenshots from the tv to your computer, they still don't belong
to you. I will only give credit to people's fan art!
Feel free to take Kurt pics! ^_^
