Most Recent Updates!
*A Message From Jupie*
Update 01-25-07
I just want to start off by saying...
.....and "Happy Birthday Brad!"
Wow thirty years old! How time flies.. I remember back in the day when nobody knew how old he was..
Then, us dedicated fans discovered that he was 25 years old...
ahh memories...
Update 10-02-06
Heyah Folks!
I've completed the Quatre character page. I also did a little website
That is all.
Update: 9-26-06
Ogenki desu ka?
Today is my day off! (YAY)
And what did I do on my day off might you ask? I finally got around to working on the lawn.
I raked up all the dead leaves from last fall, just in time for the new fall leaves. How bolshie am I?
Of course being the incredibly lazy, I had to machete the overgrown grass, before I
cut it. Yeah... NEVER honk your horn at a young woman, butchering her lawn with a machete. EVER! (I live on a
busy street, btw)
Back to business.
I'm still working on the Quatre page. Why does it feel like such a chore?
Update: 9-22-06
Greetings Swaile-nnonites,
My schedule has been kinda hectic, eh? (<--- a little canadian flav-ah for you)
I have been working six days a week for the past two weeks (not by choice) so I have not had time
to add new pages. For my next page 'project' I am going to do Quatre, arguably my favourite role that Brad has
graced with his heavenly voice.
Someone just had to ruin my wikipedia fun! I swear not twelve hours after I wrote my previous
update, some jizz-ack-izz-ass deleted my site as 'The Official Site'. BOO to YOU!
OT Fun: Last saturday I auditioned for ANTM! T'was a lot of fun, but a lot of waiting
around... Believe me, I went to that audition with low expectations, due to my height (5'6" 1/2, they wanted
atleast 5'7", I lied :p )
My sister and I made one cut, but then they wanted to know if you could sing!!!? WTF!!!!???
This isn't American Idol!!!! Anyways even though I didn't make it (truthfully I could have cared
less if I made it on that show, they exploit young women wayyyyy to much) I thought I did pretty damn
good! Outta 200 girls in one room, I was chosen into a smaller group of 25. Pretty jawesome!
As always, I call on the power of the Bradders to get me through the day, everyday,
always, forever and ever.
P.S. I know your there Brad, I can smell you!
Update: 9-7-06
I am getting close to updating all the
info, pretty soon I want to add character pages for all the main roles B-rad has played.
You know, it really feels good to be working on this site again.
I like having a project to work on, it's just so refreshing, and it feels rewarding!
I am also ecstatic to annouce that I am #3 on the yahoo search engine, right after imdb, and wikipedia. What makes me even happier is that on the Wikipedia Swaile site, I am listed as 'Official Site' under the title 'Brad Swaile Fan Site' respectively.
for Jupie! **********
(And Bradders!)
Update: 9-4-06
fellow 'Swaile-o-philes',
I really want to start
updating info on this site.... Hopefully I will have the patience and determination to keep up with it.
Please BRAD!! Pray for me! Mea Culpa!!
Love you 4-ever, Jupie
Update on biotch at work: Eventually she got demoted, and quit. I'm so glad I hung in there! That's a lesson to all you kids
out there!
Update 8-26-05
I've decided to update this sad excuse for a Brad site... but as I
have observed, all the other Brad sites haven't updated in ages either. I probably won't update filmography unless I really
find time to, I hardly watch anime at all... so... yeah.
I've just been working so much I have no time to do much at all, except
sleep 15 hours a day. Sadly I cannot stand one of my managers at my job, which resulted in a very small ulcer this past spring.
I was chasing down rolaids like nobody's business. Thankfully it has gone, but I fear it might come back due to working with
that crazy biatch so much!
Brad Swaile Mail is no more. The web host requires me to update
every so often, and I just can't find the time to... so I have phased it out. So sorry fine sir.
As far as I can tell there is really no nuevo news on our Bradford.
So unless he emails me personally telling me his where-abouts, and goings-ons, I can't write much about him. I haven't been
to any conventions, dunno if Brad has, but ya know... He's so private.
C'est La Vie!
Update 6-29-04
Well I've sort of outgrown anime. So you won't be seeing
too many updates or many updated filmography lists.
I've just gotten so sick of the annoying, high pitched voiced,
can't-take-care-of-themselves-supposed-heirones that make up most animes. I can't stand Inuyasha (well the main girl in it,
I don't give a flying fudge popsicle, what her name is!) Every two seconds its "Inuyasha!" "Inuyasha!"
"Inuyasha!" ( in her stupid high pitched voice!) I CAN'T STAND IT! And every 5 seconds it's "Oh,
Inuyasha, he saved me, does that mean he likes me?!" "I know he hates me, or acts like it, but I know he likes me, or otherwise
he wouldn't have saved me" BLAH BLAH BLAH!
That actually works for all animes. "[Insert name here], when
we are alone, he is so nice to me, but when we are with other people he is so mean. Does he like me?"
And the only freaking reason they used high pitched
dumb ass voices for dubs is, because most Japanese girls who voice act, have really high voices. So stupid dub people want
to mimic that by giving the girls freakishly high voices. And if you want to hear freakishly high voices, you might
as well watch the original Japanese version.
Basically I have gotten SICK of anime. But if Brad is in it, I'll
most definatley watch it.
doing the "cabbage patch" |

at him go! ^.^ |
(*psst* they're funny)
Update 5-4-04
Brad Swaile Mail is temporarily down, or it has been
down for months, I dunno, I never checked it.
I have added a Brad Swaile Forum, located at the
bottom of this page, so all us fans can interact with each other, and envy those who have met the Swaile-meister.
Update 4-28-04
I am trying to get my site back into
it's prime. It's gone through somewhat of a mid-life crisis lately. I've just been too busy, but I shouldn't be too
busy for Brad. My Mister McSwailey has always been there for me, and I should be there for him...(coming from someone who has
never met Brad, I probably sound pretty crazy!)
Brad Swaile Webring is now fully operational. Please join! I will try to add a photo to the webring html box, just give me
time. In addition I got rid of the psycho counter on the home page an adopted a more traditional one. I did a whole
lot on this site and hope to improve it even more. Hope you all will enjoy!
Update 2-13-04
Well right now, after talking to fellow Brad(ford?),
lol, fans, I have been sucked back into the curiosity (wow, and in only two days!). I have invented a new term for us Brad
fans, from this day forth, we shall all be known as "Brad Swaile-ians".
Proud to be Brad Swaile-ian!
P.s. Someone should make an HTML banner for the Brad Swaile sites, saying
"Proud to be Brad Swaile-ian" Hehe and maybe Brad, being the graphic designer that he is, should design that banner for us.
*wink* If ya catch my drift... And after that, tee-shirts, bumper stickers, coffee mugs, beach towels, there is
an endless possibility folks.
2-10-04 Sorry
I haven't updated in ages. Just for the past six months I have been thinking of other thing beside Brad. *Gasp* I know, its
hard, but I've gone off a lot of things I used to like. I'm not a big anime person anymore, I have stopped watching X-men
due to sleeping in, and I have somewhat gone off Brad. Probably due to lack of new information and no fan interaction via
the internet, it's just how things happen. I have lost a lot of passion for this website, though I will continue keeping it
up, and maybe I will return to being the once obsessed can't-go-a-day-without-saying-Brad-Swaile's-name fan that I once was.
I am mad at the fact that Yahoo, and Google have
put my website at #17, but hey whatcha gonna do...
Lots of Love and Compassion For Brad,
(*Wink Wink*)
9-8-03 Finally
after waiting about 7 months yahoo has put me on their search engine. I mean damn thats a long wait. Atleast I am #9 that's
not terribly bad, but my old site used to be like #3. But then again that was at a time when there weren't many Brad sites
out there.
Lots of Love -JUPIE-
9-08-03 I am trying to improve my site, but there isn't much to improve on. Brad
must come to this site someday. Then I would have things to talk about for ages. Right now I am sucking on off-brand peaches
and cream hard candy. Very Yummy!
TTFN, Jupie
5-22-03 Wow I have not updated in awhile. Sorry Folks. It's just because there
is no knew Brad info, so there is no reason to update. I should start working on this site again. Maybe give it a face-lift
or something. I'm trying not to neglect my baby, but I have been really busy. Yay, summer is here soon, so I will hopefully
have plenty of time to work on this site.
Much Love,
Bored... Everything is boring. No new Brad stuff. Right now I'm listening to The Phantom
of the Opera It's so sad.. ;_; I'd go out w/ the phantom... as long as he's not as crazy on dates... (maybe he is...
^.^) So then maybe not... I'd go with Raol... lol, i'm a freak. Well that's it.
3-14-03 St. Valentine's Day!
"Huzzah Hurrah and God save the Queen" <-- That's what I said when my mom brought home
our DVD player. We've finally got "with the times" and upgraded! Though we don't have any DVD's currently..
How does Jupie the webmisstress spend her Valentine's day you ask.. Well like the dork i
am, i don't have anyone currently so I am staying home and listening to my Les Miserables 10th year Anneversary Cd over and
over again. Whatta dork i say so but it makes me happy. Michael Ball has the cutest voice ever. What's better to listen to
on Valentine's Day then a story of Redemption, Justice, Love, ... ect. o/ In My life she has burst like the music of
angels the light of the sun o/
I got a computer, so now I can update frequently. Not like there's anything new on Brad,
but whatever.
A really
really OLD picture of Brad. |

looks like he's in 8th grade in this pic. |