Brad Swaile


Ranting & Raving
Brad Swaile Info
Additional Information
Picture Gallery
Brad, The Man (A Photographic Exploration)
Commander Scud
Quatre Raberba Winner
Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler
About Me

The Official X-Men Evolution website

The Official Gundam Wing website

Brad Swaile Wikipedia Page

Brad Swaile Intelligence Dossier

Internet Movie Database (Brad page)

Big Bad Brad Brigade

Daisuki da yo! Great Brad interview.

In.Ovo - The band Brad is currently in.

"Dude, Where's My Brad Swaile?!" - A Fan Site


Send Brad Swaile A Birthday Card!

Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!

UN-Related Links
Jupie's Fav links!

Here is the website for Eric Stuart, the voice actor of Gourry Gabriev, (Slayers) Brock, (Pokemon) James, (Pokemon)
Actually it's the website for his band "The Eric Stuart Band" but still, it's a great site.

Here is the official website for Kirby Marrow, the voice of Trowa Barton, and Vahn Fanel.

Voice Chasers

My Good Friend Holly's website All About Sailor Jupiter

This site belongs to a member of Brad Swaile Mail.
Thank you Jess for signing up. You have a great website. If you want me to post you link on my website email me, or a faster way is by joining Brad Swaile Mail.

I Support Haruka and Michiru!

Join in the Fight!

Xellos's Genki Octopus Shoppe
This is my sister's website dedicated to Xellos! Well he's that genki character from "Slayers Next" and "Slayers Try". Her website is all decked out in Purple. What rhymes with purple besides nurple? That's what I wanna know! Well anyway... I'm gonna direct my traffic over there.                                         *Jupie starts waving flags pointing over to
Xellos's Genki Octopus Shoppe *
You better go there if you know what's good for you. It's the whisper whisper kinda-stuff-keep-hidden-under-your-bed-away-from-your-mom thing going on over there! LOL! Just kidding!

I ate at Xellos' Genki Octopus Shoppe and all I got was this lousy marquee /|^-^|\

Les Miserables, my all-time favorite musical!
Allegiance 2.0 A Haldir site!

Quatre Raberba Winner Official Fanlisting